{"id":74,"date":"2023-10-27T16:51:33","date_gmt":"2023-10-27T16:51:33","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/localhost\/giving-to-the-nations\/?page_id=74"},"modified":"2024-09-23T14:57:30","modified_gmt":"2024-09-23T20:57:30","slug":"what-weve-done","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/givingtothenations.org\/what-weve-done\/","title":{"rendered":"What We’ve Done"},"content":{"rendered":"
I remember as a young child anxiously waiting for milestones to come throughout the year which seemed to take, in my young mind, forever, the first day of school, my birthday, Christmas, summer vacation.<\/p>\n
I remember my Grandmother telling me in her calming way to enjoy the time, even if it seems to be taking longer than I would like, because as we get older time seems to go by quicker and quicker.<\/p>\n
My Grandmother\u2019s wisdom has proven true in my personal life and also in our nonprofit.<\/p>\n
When Giving to the Nations began our journey in 2017 into the nonprofit arena with our mission to advance the lives of others through the provision of hygiene products, it seemed like an undaunting task, and everything seemed to take such a long time. The finding of funders, and the awareness to our community that we were there and desired to help families in need with hygiene products. This need was foreign to our community.<\/p>\n
In pondering our beginning in 2017 through 2023, time truly does seem to move faster. Our networking with other nonprofits and government social service agencies has grown, bringing the awareness of our provision of hygiene products to more families, with it bringing more families to serve, and increasing the need for funding.<\/p>\n
CLICK ON TITLE \u201c2023 Pondering the Past. Looking forward to the Future.\u201d TO CONTINUE READING<\/p>\n
Where do we start? So many changes. So many increases.<\/p>\n
As we continue in our mission to advance the lives of others, and our goal to meet the under met and more often unmet need for personal care, baby care, and household cleaning products, to alleviate the shame and desperation that often accompanies hygiene poverty-the inability to afford basic non-food goods such as shampoo, deodorant, body wash, diapers, dishwashing detergent, and laundry detergent, we start with you, our donors, product suppliers and volunteers.<\/p>\n
Our donors, those who continue this journey with us, and those who have joined us in our mission, the foundations, businesses, and individuals. We are grateful to all. Our continued supporters, to name a few, Forest County Potawatomi Foundation, Otto Bremer Trust, Racine Community Foundation, Grand Foundation, the continuing businesses, and individual supporters (who prefer to remain anonymous), and those who have joined with us in 2022; the foundations, businesses (rpm Bodywork), nonprofits, (Hmong American Friendship Association), and individuals both one time and monthly supporters. Understand, you are our starting point, without you, we do not move forward.<\/p>\n
CLICK ON TITLE \u201c2022 A Year of Growth” TO CONTINUE READING<\/p>\n
\n2020 Annual Report<\/h2>\n
\n2019 Annual Report<\/h2>\n
\n2018 Annual Report<\/h2>\n