Devoted to advancing the lives of others


Making a difference today and for generations to come.

Supporters backdrop

If you would like to serve your community with us, please see the opportunities below and apply online.

    Our nonprofit receives an abundance of donations every week, we need volunteers to help with all processes involved from truck unload, to sorting, to palletizing. We have this opportunity available on Thursdays from 12:30pm-2pm (with some exceptions). If you are a behind the scenes person and want to make a positive impact in people’s lives, this is a perfect opportunity.
    As our reach into the community continues to expand, we need volunteers who enjoy a day out at the warehouse to preassemble hygiene boxes for distribution or to serve during our community hygiene giveaway events throughout Racine County. Is this you?
  • SOCIAL MEDIA-Facebook
    Keep our followers up-to-date on what we and other community service organizations are doing throughout our community.
    Capture the moments for us to share with all.
    Have a little time on your hands and want to give back? This is a perfect from home opportunity.
    Our goal is to create and execute a strategic marketing plan for our nonprofit. Developing a clear message to engage donors, recipients, and curious followers.

Please complete our online application below. The fields marked with an * are required. Remember to “Submit” before you leave the page. Thank you for being a part of something bigger than yourself.

Volunteer sign up form (#1)

Volunteer Sign Up

Basic Information

Address Information

No Post Office Box Addresses Please

About Us


Please choose the times you are available to volunteer.
(Please select all that apply)


Please tell us the areas you are interested in volunteering.
(Please select all that apply)


Do you have any special skills we should know about?

More about you

Agreement and Digital Signature

By signing this Volunteer Application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further understand that Giving to the Nations, Inc. will conduct a background check on me. I understand that Giving to the Nations, Inc. is not obligated to accept me into their volunteer program and that if accepted they or I may terminate the volunteer agreement at any time. If accepted, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application(s) or interviews(s) may result in discharge at any time. I agree to treat all information I may hear, see, read or otherwise acquire as highly confidential and I will not reveal or disclose this information outside of my official duties associated with Giving to the Nations, Inc.